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 Find Out Who Is The Richest Youtuber In The World

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Сообщения : 5
Дата регистрации : 2022-10-11

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СообщениеТема: Find Out Who Is The Richest Youtuber In The World   Find Out Who Is The Richest Youtuber In The World EmptyСр 19 Окт - 7:22

With more than 16.2 million YouTube subscribers, Jeffree Star is currently the most wealthy if you want to know who is the richest youtuber in the world. In addition to his work on YouTube, Jeffree runs a cosmetics business that brings in more than $100 million annually. He joined YouTube only to boost his music career, which he had previously pursued as well. Jeffree formerly worked as a model and numerous make-up artists before switching to full-time YouTuber. He also signed up for Myspace, where he posted on fame, beauty, and everyday life to a sizable following.
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Find Out Who Is The Richest Youtuber In The World
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