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 How much time does a CCNA course take to complete?

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Сообщения : 8
Дата регистрации : 2023-07-13

How much time does a CCNA course take to complete? Empty
СообщениеТема: How much time does a CCNA course take to complete?   How much time does a CCNA course take to complete? EmptyПт 9 Фев - 14:22

Hey RST Forum Members,

I'm contemplating diving into the world of networking by pursuing the CCNA certification, but I'm curious about the time commitment involved. Can anyone share their experiences with how long it took them to complete the CCNA course?

I understand that the duration might vary depending on factors like prior knowledge, study habits, and the specific course format (e.g., self-paced online course vs. classroom instruction). Nevertheless, getting a ballpark estimate from those who've been through it would be immensely helpful in planning my schedule.

So, if you've completed the CCNA course recently or have insights into the typical timeframe, I'd love to hear from you. Feel free to share any tips or resources that helped you along the way as well! CCNA Classes in Nagpur

Thanks in advance for your input.
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How much time does a CCNA course take to complete?
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