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 powerful business analytics tool

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Сообщения : 7
Дата регистрации : 2023-06-29

powerful business analytics tool  Empty
СообщениеТема: powerful business analytics tool    powerful business analytics tool  EmptyЧт 29 Июн - 8:20

Power BI is a powerful business analytics tool developed by Microsoft. It provides a suite of features and functionalities that allow users to connect to various data sources, transform and shape data, and create interactive visualizations and reports. With Power BI, users can collect data from different databases, cloud services, and online platforms, and then use Power Query to clean and transform the data to meet their needs. Power BI's data modeling component, Power Pivot, enables users to create relationships and hierarchies, facilitating advanced analysis. The visualization component, Power View, allows users to design and publish interactive reports and dashboards, providing a clear and intuitive way to explore and present data insights. Power BI also offers collaboration and sharing features, making it easy for teams to collaborate on reports and share them securely. With its user-friendly interface and robust capabilities, Power BI empowers organizations to derive valuable insights from their data and make data-driven decisions. To get hands on practice on this tool there is Power bi classes in pune.
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