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 Is AI Going To Change The Education Algorithm?

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Сообщения : 2
Дата регистрации : 2023-01-07

Is AI Going To Change The Education Algorithm? Empty
СообщениеТема: Is AI Going To Change The Education Algorithm?   Is AI Going To Change The Education Algorithm? EmptyВт 20 Июн - 14:55

Artificial intelligence is poised to dominate the technology, business, and education industries, causing major disruption. We are seeing AI transform not only how we think, but also the systems and structures we operate on every single day, from unfair student advantages to fully-automated tutoring sessions. Students can also Help with assignments from AI.
In what ways will this shift result in benefits and drawbacks? Is there an ethical challenge introduced as a result? A sea change is afoot, but should we be concerned? The integration of AI into our educational system is often seen as a negative development, but I believe it will bring many benefits. It's clear that a tsunami-like impact is on the way. To reap the benefits AI will provide over the next decade, students, teachers, and archaic educational institutions will have to adapt.
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