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 What are the major elements of a video animation?

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Сообщения : 2
Дата регистрации : 2023-01-02

What are the major elements of a video animation? Empty
СообщениеТема: What are the major elements of a video animation?   What are the major elements of a video animation? EmptyВт 16 Май - 20:31

There are some elements that help to make better video animation company. 1) Squash and Stretch 2) Prediction 3) Stage the design of video animation. 4) Create the design frame-by-frame 5) See the errors 6) Make the movement slow 7) The angle of movement Cool Action 9) The perfect timing of the animation 10) The exaggeration 11) Drawing components 12) Appealing presentation. A video animation production company always takes care of these 12 elements. So, you can easily get what you want. And ignoring these elements will affect your animation very badly.
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What are the major elements of a video animation?
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