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 What is a high level language?In the domain of PC

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Сообщения : 13
Дата регистрации : 2023-03-13

What is a high level language?In the domain of PC  Empty
СообщениеТема: What is a high level language?In the domain of PC    What is a high level language?In the domain of PC  EmptyВт 2 Май - 12:33

In the domain of PC programming, there are two head sorts of vernaculars: low-level and critical level. Low-level lingos, for instance, low level figuring build and machine code, are planned to be executed straight by a PC's processor. These lingos are uncommonly speedy and powerful yet then again are evidently difficult to work with considering the way that they require a significant cognizance of PC plan.

Huge level vernaculars, on the other hand, are expected to be straightforward for individuals to scrutinize and create. These vernaculars are regularly used to make complex applications, and they are normally accumulated or unraveled into machine code by a PC program. A couple of examples of obvious level tongues integrate Python, Java, C++, and Ruby.

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What is a high level language?In the domain of PC
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