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 US warehousing/fulfillment services needed

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Сообщения : 1
Дата регистрации : 2023-03-28

US warehousing/fulfillment services needed Empty
СообщениеТема: US warehousing/fulfillment services needed   US warehousing/fulfillment services needed EmptyВт 28 Мар - 9:52

Hello Guys,

I'm now storing my stuff, but I want to grow.

Since I'm outside the US, I'm looking for a dependable Logistics And Warehousing Services. I've found a few, but the most of them want a list of my products' SKUs and UPCs in advance, which I can't do because I buy liquidated goods—primarily clothing—and each lot is different.

I'd be grateful for any advice on this.
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US warehousing/fulfillment services needed
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