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 Selenium Training and Certification

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Сообщения : 5
Дата регистрации : 2023-02-23

Selenium Training and Certification Empty
СообщениеТема: Selenium Training and Certification   Selenium Training and Certification EmptyПн 20 Мар - 12:27

Web applications can be tested using Selenium, an open-source, automated testing tool. Unfortunately, Selenium can only test online applications, so testing of desktop and mobile apps is not possible. Selenium is ineffective for testing any desktop or mobile (software) application. WebDriver was incorporated with Selenium RC to overcome some of Selenium RC’s limitations, and it has since become the de facto practice for web automation. Get the best Selenium Training with certified Trainers at FITA Academy. Here, we offer the training with the recently updated syllabus in Selenium Training In Chennai.

Tags: Selenium Online Training | Selenium Training In Coimbatore
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