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 Pros and cons of Skullcandy Bluetooth earbuds

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Сообщения : 1
Дата регистрации : 2023-01-20

Pros and cons of Skullcandy Bluetooth earbuds Empty
СообщениеТема: Pros and cons of Skullcandy Bluetooth earbuds   Pros and cons of Skullcandy Bluetooth earbuds EmptyПт 20 Янв - 7:31

Skullcandy Bluetooth earbuds are not for professional listeners; they will be satisfactory for beginners.


In this price range with such outstanding rivals such as boult, boat, etc. it delivers you with the presumably best sound quality and experience.
It is an IPX4 water-resistant element that encourages you to wear it in the gym or while walking.
Its size is small so it will not glance like a giant button popping out of your ears.
Probably the best earbuds to buy for casual listening.


The foremost complication is that it does not fit in everybody's ears.
It equips a battery life of 3.5 hours which is not adequate. Its upgraded model has 12 hours of battery life but weight got increased and therefore, not livable.
Not good for flat sounding or for audio files and music with great bass or beats.
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Pros and cons of Skullcandy Bluetooth earbuds
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