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 What are the skill you need as data scientist ?

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Сообщения : 25
Дата регистрации : 2022-12-08

What are the skill you need as data scientist ? Empty
СообщениеТема: What are the skill you need as data scientist ?   What are the skill you need as data scientist ? EmptyЧт 8 Дек - 15:09

R programming. R is an incorporated set-up of programming offices for information control, computation, and graphical presentation. R is more predominant in scholastic settings contrasted with Python. The product can carry out AI calculations rapidly and basically and gives various measurable and graphical methods, like straight and non-direct displaying, old-style factual tests, time-series investigation, order, and grouping.

Hadoop stage. Hadoop is an assortment of open-source programming utilities that permit information researchers to handle huge datasets across bunches of PCs utilizing basic programming models. This is valuable in a circumstance where the volume of information surpasses the memory of the framework: for instance while gathering a high volume of information from numerous sources, or when information should be shipped off various servers. The framework is intended to increase from single servers to a huge number of machines.
SQL data sets.

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What are the skill you need as data scientist ?
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